UK websites?
(too old to reply)
2005-05-22 12:38:06 UTC
When i search the internet, i see hundreds (well tens) of US based
organisations and websites about polyamory. Are there any websites
which are aimed at polyamorous brits?
I'm pretty new to polyamory and i'd like to know what other people feel
about being polyamorous in the UK. (I know that was ambiguous!)
David Matthewman
2005-05-23 10:03:49 UTC
Quoth Overlord359 in
Post by Overlord359
When i search the internet, i see hundreds (well tens) of US based
organisations and websites about polyamory. Are there any websites
which are aimed at polyamorous brits?
I'm pretty new to polyamory and i'd like to know what other people feel
about being polyamorous in the UK. (I know that was ambiguous!)
There's www.uk-poly.net, which is a bit low on content, but is a start.
The main problem is that there isn't really all that much of a poly
community in the UK, at least, not one that's organised enough to have web
sites and stuff. This does seem to be changing at them moment, though,
which is a good thing.

If you haven't already looked at www.polymaory.org, you should. The
country-specific stuff it heavily biased towards the far side of the
Atlantic, but there is plenty of good stuff in there for anyone,
regardless of country.
David Matthewman
2005-06-07 13:27:30 UTC
Post by David Matthewman
There's www.uk-poly.net, which is a bit low on content, but is a start.
'tis true. To be fair, the call has gone out a fair number of times

What sort of content would you like to see?

What sort of content will you contribute?

The site aims to be a community site. Which is not helped a great deal by
the silence of the lambs ;-)

2006-01-11 20:07:02 UTC
Post by Overlord359
When i search the internet, i see hundreds (well tens) of US based
organisations and websites about polyamory. Are there any websites
which are aimed at polyamorous brits?
I'm pretty new to polyamory and i'd like to know what other people feel
about being polyamorous in the UK. (I know that was ambiguous!)
This site is poly friendly....


This one as well...


