Looking for a London/UK based meetup
(too old to reply)
2005-05-21 00:28:36 UTC

I posted in alt.polyamory looking for a London/UK based meetup and was
directed here.

After looking through the archives I can see that newbie posts relating
to the type of relationship I have been seeking are somewhat frowned
upon. Well, at the very least, there does seem to be a stigma attached
to many posts relating to FFM (HBB and all that).

So. I won't mention it.

Regarding meeting up with like minded individuals. How does one find
out where the next meetup in London is?

Thanks in advance for any help.


p.s. As an aside, I am astonished at the amount of spam this group has
accumulated along with all the magazine interview requests. Has it
always been this way?!
Marc Wilson
2005-05-21 01:12:00 UTC
In uk.people.polyamorous, (Spark) wrote in
Post by Spark
I posted in alt.polyamory looking for a London/UK based meetup and was
directed here.
Post by Spark
After looking through the archives I can see that newbie posts relating
to the type of relationship I have been seeking are somewhat frowned
upon. Well, at the very least, there does seem to be a stigma attached
to many posts relating to FFM (HBB and all that).
So. I won't mention it.
Regarding meeting up with like minded individuals. How does one find
out where the next meetup in London is?
Thanks in advance for any help.
p.s. As an aside, I am astonished at the amount of spam this group has
accumulated along with all the magazine interview requests. Has it
always been this way?!
Not always. Most newsgroups get spammed at some point. The nature of this
one seems to attract the occasional fuckwit, plus the usual random stuff
and the odd "moral" ranter, and then we get the new age "poly is more
evolved" visits from the planet rainbow now and then.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice
because thorn bushes have roses. (Abraham Lincoln)
S T Whitehead
2005-05-21 17:07:28 UTC
Post by Marc Wilson
In uk.people.polyamorous, (Spark) wrote in
Post by Spark
I posted in alt.polyamory looking for a London/UK based meetup and was
directed here.
Replying here rather than in alt.poly where I also saw your message 'cos
I think this little group needs a bit more attention paid to it.

There is a new(ish) London Poly meetup - I think there have been three
events so far, at monthly intervals, I only went to the last one which
was last Saturday. The information gets posted on polymatchmaker.com
(look under the events and announcements forum), and on LiveJournal on
the "londonpolybis" community.

Those are also fora where you may well find other like minded and
interesting people to talk to.

2005-05-22 12:09:52 UTC
It was after reading a reply to your post that i realised this group
Marc Wilson
2005-05-23 01:32:03 UTC
In uk.people.polyamorous, (Overlord359) wrote in
Post by Overlord359
It was after reading a reply to your post that i realised this group
Sorry- could you quote some context (as I have) so we know what you're
replying to? Remember that usenet posts don't always arrive at servers in
the right order, or even at all.

The Daily Mail is a bile duct. (Ron Clark, in urs)
David Matthewman
2005-05-23 10:07:28 UTC
Post by Spark
Regarding meeting up with like minded individuals. How does one find
out where the next meetup in London is?
Many poly people come to events that are notionally aimed at bisexuals, as
there's much overlap between the communities, and it's usually an
accepting, non-judgmental atmosphere. For example, I run a pub meet called
Bisexual Underground on the second Tuesday of every month in the upstairs
bar of The Blue Posts on Newman Street, which you'd be welcome to come
along to, as long as you bear in mind that it's not a specifically poly
event. The next one's on June 14.
Post by Spark
p.s. As an aside, I am astonished at the amount of spam this group has
accumulated along with all the magazine interview requests. Has it
always been this way?!
The spam's at a fairly constant background level - it's just that there
have recently been very few 'real' posts, so the group is full of spam. It
can go quiet for months on end if no one has much to talk about, but there
are many people still reading it.
David Matthewman
2005-05-23 21:04:25 UTC
second Tuesday of every month in the upstairs bar of The Blue
Posts on Newman Street
Thank you for this information. I will try to be there if I possibly

