So how many of us are there?
(too old to reply)
Chris Croughton
2004-04-01 12:10:44 UTC
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:38:45 +0100, sb
Are you allowed to say true things on Usenet? It's called "The net of a
million lies" <g>...
Ah well this is true. Ok I only like hugs :P
Got thems in plentys <g>. <<<<Sarah>>>>
The traffic isnt too high and I recommend the list
A little more definition on "too high" would help. Messages per
Also as I recall they want some sort of bio before you join, that gives
me the impression that they only want 'real' poly people (ones with more
than one partner, not just not equal to one). I may be wrong, that's
just the impression I get.
You're wrong they just want to know the person is genuine and not a lizard
Well, that's a problem, I have a lizard on top of my monitor (it's a
monitor lizard) which would want to be included (and don't parrots like
lizards?) <g>.

Seriously, I feel much the same as draenog. I have left the "about me"
section blank on LJ and every other system which asks for it, apart from
my CV (which has the minimum and is only professional stuff). What
happens to the bio? Who sees it? Who decides?
/me hugs back
/me rehugs

Chris C
2004-04-01 13:32:24 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:38:45 +0100, sb
Are you allowed to say true things on Usenet? It's called "The net of a
million lies" <g>...
Ah well this is true. Ok I only like hugs :P
Got thems in plentys <g>. <<<<Sarah>>>>
Aww ty x
Post by Chris Croughton
The traffic isnt too high and I recommend the list
A little more definition on "too high" would help. Messages per
Depends on whats happening. Can be none per day can be 10 per day
Post by Chris Croughton
Also as I recall they want some sort of bio before you join, that gives
me the impression that they only want 'real' poly people (ones with more
than one partner, not just not equal to one). I may be wrong, that's
just the impression I get.
You're wrong they just want to know the person is genuine and not a lizard
Well, that's a problem, I have a lizard on top of my monitor (it's a
monitor lizard) which would want to be included (and don't parrots like
lizards?) <g>.
Oh you know what I mean
Post by Chris Croughton
Seriously, I feel much the same as draenog. I have left the "about me"
section blank on LJ and every other system which asks for it, apart from
my CV (which has the minimum and is only professional stuff). What
happens to the bio? Who sees it? Who decides?
The other members see it and so long as noone objects you join. Its not like
a military operation its just to keep it as safe as possible
Post by Chris Croughton
/me hugs back
/me rehugs
/me hugs some more
Marc Wilson
2004-04-02 11:18:21 UTC
Also as I recall they want some sort of bio before you join, that gives
me the impression that they only want 'real' poly people (ones with more
than one partner, not just not equal to one). I may be wrong, that's
just the impression I get.
There are people on the list with numbers of partners ranging from 0 to
quite a few. If you can be e.g. heterosexual while still a virgin, you can
be poly with one (or no) partner. The filter is there to avoid spammers,
predators, journalists and "the more highly evolved" who want to lecture
rather than discuss.

Market Forces, n: A simple and elegant mechanism whereby the natural principle that gave
rise to herpes, the liver fluke and amoebic dysentery is applied to human society. ( Sam Dodsworth)
2004-04-04 12:35:04 UTC
I'm here too, and 'course you count - I have one "thing" less than you
ATM, and AFAIAC I'm no more or less poly for that than someone with one,
two, five or however many going...
I wish you people would stop talking about your "things".



Visit the alt.aviation.safety FAQ online at www.blippie.org.uk
2004-04-04 14:55:00 UTC
Post by Blippie
I'm here too, and 'course you count - I have one "thing" less than you
ATM, and AFAIAC I'm no more or less poly for that than someone with one,
two, five or however many going...
I wish you people would stop talking about your "things".
Why the crosspost?

(newsgroups trimmed to the original u.p.p.)
to reply by mail, replace nospam with yon dash net
2004-05-11 13:28:23 UTC
Post by draenog
Post by Blippie
I'm here too, and 'course you count - I have one "thing" less than you
ATM, and AFAIAC I'm no more or less poly for that than someone with one,
two, five or however many going...
I wish you people would stop talking about your "things".
Why the crosspost?
So I can keep tabs on all the interesting threads I've replied to, without
having to worry about all the trash. Also means I can quickly reply to
people in the more obscure groups, rather than waiting until I trudge
through the lot.
Post by draenog
(newsgroups trimmed to the original u.p.p.)
... which meant it took me a month to get around to replying you. (No big
loss, I guess!)

Thanks for asking


Visit the alt.aviation.safety FAQ online at www.blippie.org.uk

2004-04-05 01:07:40 UTC
In uk.people.polyamorous, "MoonDog" <s_murrant(remove this text to
How many people are in the group (and post
rather than lurk)?
Couple of dozen.
Sounds about right to me.
This leads on to a second question. How many polys are there in the UK?
Hmm, are you looking for folk who might be part of a "poly community"
or folk whose lives/desires might fit whatever definition of "poly" you
happen to be pointing to at that moment in time?

If you asked me "are you a poly?" on a census form, I would probably
wonder a long while before answering. If you asked me about my
relationships, you might decide to group me into a different category
than the answer to the first question would suggest.
Well, it's a standard joke that there are only 200 people on Usenet. So,
perhaps we're quite a large faction :)
<attempts to count usenetters met in the flesh, runs out of fingers>
Considering the overlap I've seen between Usenet groups, either I have
very predictable tastes or...
Has anyone ever tried to find out?
Not as far as I know. It's not a census answer, so the obvious way to
gather data is no use.
Did the Wellcome survey of a few years back ask about number of concurrent
partners at all? (And if they did, did they ask enough questions and the
right kind to give us any useful info on that point? They missed out some
big areas on that survey[1], so it wouldn't surprise me to find out that
they hadn't made any distinction between relationships agreed with and
known to all partners, and those not agreed and secret from partners).

I only read the summaries of the survey, so I haven't any idea what
was in the full thing.

[1] Notably for a sexual attitudes & practice survey, masturbation.
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