Is this group moderated?
(too old to reply)
Ian Bibby
2005-01-30 14:56:57 UTC
My partner and I got interested in polyamory towards the end of last year,
and joined this newsgroup.

We're not in need of Viagra, not concerned about Aguilera or Beckham, ,
vaguely dismissive of which pornstar has the longest bush (and very
dismissive of which one of the Bush's it is),

And as for wanting a 9 inch penis? Sorry, not cutting the last 3 inches off
for anyone !!

Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
2005-01-30 23:06:51 UTC
Post by Ian Bibby
My partner and I got interested in polyamory towards the end of last year,
and joined this newsgroup.
We're not in need of Viagra, not concerned about Aguilera or Beckham, ,
vaguely dismissive of which pornstar has the longest bush (and very
dismissive of which one of the Bush's it is),
And as for wanting a 9 inch penis? Sorry, not cutting the last 3 inches off
for anyone !!
Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
Yes, there are real people. It's just for some reason they seem to be
having most of their on-line communications elsewhere.

Keep writing and maybe people will start talking.

You say your interest dates from the end of last year. What sparked it

Shaun Murrant aka MoonDog.
2005-01-31 21:47:39 UTC
Post by Ian Bibby
My partner and I got interested in polyamory towards the end of last year,
and joined this newsgroup.
We're not in need of Viagra, not concerned about Aguilera or Beckham, ,
vaguely dismissive of which pornstar has the longest bush (and very
dismissive of which one of the Bush's it is),
And as for wanting a 9 inch penis? Sorry, not cutting the last 3 inches off
for anyone !!
Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
Well i'm here. This post is rarely rarely used but there are still some
people here

2005-01-31 22:13:48 UTC
Post by Ian Bibby
Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
Normal person here, for a particular definition of "normal"
404 Error - the requested .sig could not be found
Spyder/1.0.27 (Wife01) THC/P1.4A.(2) Server at Mead 40%
Chris Croughton
2005-02-01 15:28:17 UTC
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 22:13:48 -0000, Spyder
Post by Spyder
Post by Ian Bibby
Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
Normal person here, for a particular definition of "normal"
"At right angles to the rest of the world" fits <g>...

Chris C
Chris Croughton
2005-01-31 22:29:07 UTC
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 14:56:57 -0000, Ian Bibby
Post by Ian Bibby
Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
There are real people (well, as real as it gets on Usenet), it's just in
a quiet phase.

As for the question in the subject, no, this group is not moderated.
Few people in this group respond to spam or trolls, we just delete the

You say you are 'interested', what form does your interest take?
Interested as in contemplating polyamorous relationships yourselves (do
you have anyone in mind?), interested in how people manage the
relationships, in financial aspects? We have in the past had
discussions on here about many aspects.

(I'm in the "interested but with no prospect of any partner, let alone
multiple ones" group on here...)

Chris C
2005-02-01 23:26:00 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 14:56:57 -0000, Ian Bibby
Post by Ian Bibby
Are there any real people out there, or just bots?
There are real people (well, as real as it gets on Usenet), it's just in
a quiet phase.
As for the question in the subject, no, this group is not moderated.
Few people in this group respond to spam or trolls, we just delete the
You say you are 'interested', what form does your interest take?
Interested as in contemplating polyamorous relationships yourselves (do
you have anyone in mind?), interested in how people manage the
relationships, in financial aspects? We have in the past had
discussions on here about many aspects.
(I'm in the "interested but with no prospect of any partner, let alone
multiple ones" group on here...)
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?

Just being nosey

Sb x
Chris Croughton
2005-02-02 11:09:14 UTC
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:26:00 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
(I'm in the "interested but with no prospect of any partner, let alone
multiple ones" group on here...)
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?
Well, if you're volunteering <g>...

Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
There are a number who are happy to be friends or 'sisters' but not
anything more (don't get me on the rant about "I think of you as a
brother" and "I feel safe with you")...

(Anyway, zero is plural in most languages -- no things, one thing, two
or more things; no spice, one spouse, two or more spice; <g>...)

Chris C
2005-02-02 16:31:19 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:26:00 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
(I'm in the "interested but with no prospect of any partner, let alone
multiple ones" group on here...)
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?
Well, if you're volunteering <g>...
lol well i dont know you
Post by Chris Croughton
Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
There are a number who are happy to be friends or 'sisters' but not
anything more (don't get me on the rant about "I think of you as a
brother" and "I feel safe with you")...
(Anyway, zero is plural in most languages -- no things, one thing, two
or more things; no spice, one spouse, two or more spice; <g>...)
ah thats sucky. you'll get there though. as will I. maybe :P
Chris Croughton
2005-02-03 16:09:23 UTC
On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 16:31:19 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:26:00 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
(I'm in the "interested but with no prospect of any partner, let alone
multiple ones" group on here...)
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?
Well, if you're volunteering <g>...
lol well i dont know you
This makes a difference? <g>
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
There are a number who are happy to be friends or 'sisters' but not
anything more (don't get me on the rant about "I think of you as a
brother" and "I feel safe with you")...
(Anyway, zero is plural in most languages -- no things, one thing, two
or more things; no spice, one spouse, two or more spice; <g>...)
ah thats sucky. you'll get there though. as will I. maybe :P
At 48 it's highly unlikely, in my opinion...

Chris C
2005-02-03 21:13:30 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 16:31:19 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:26:00 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
(I'm in the "interested but with no prospect of any partner, let alone
multiple ones" group on here...)
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?
Well, if you're volunteering <g>...
lol well i dont know you
This makes a difference? <g>
lol well yeah I hope so
Post by Chris Croughton
Post by sb
Post by Chris Croughton
Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
There are a number who are happy to be friends or 'sisters' but not
anything more (don't get me on the rant about "I think of you as a
brother" and "I feel safe with you")...
(Anyway, zero is plural in most languages -- no things, one thing, two
or more things; no spice, one spouse, two or more spice; <g>...)
ah thats sucky. you'll get there though. as will I. maybe :P
At 48 it's highly unlikely, in my opinion...
Oh well i'm 25 and sometimes feel the same but you know what they say the
people you meet you meet when you're not looking
2005-04-04 09:32:52 UTC
Well I hope some people are still looking...if only at this thread!

I just heard of polaymory - but it's a lifestyle I've been living for years!
I just never knew it had a name lol

Hopefully some people will visit and keep this thread - and lifestyle -
going. How 'bout someone organise a party?!

Marc Wilson
2005-04-05 00:24:10 UTC
Post by always
Hopefully some people will visit and keep this thread - and lifestyle -
I have a life, not a "lifestyle". It's best to avoid "The L-word" as it's
often associated with swinging rather than poly (though there's a fuzzy
boundary and some people do both).

I don't want to be your other half.
I believe that One and One make TWO.
- Alanis Morrisette: "Not the Doctor".
2005-04-08 22:51:22 UTC
Bit difficult for me I am in Australia
Post by always
Well I hope some people are still looking...if only at this thread!
I just heard of polaymory - but it's a lifestyle I've been living for years!
I just never knew it had a name lol
Hopefully some people will visit and keep this thread - and lifestyle -
going. How 'bout someone organise a party?!
2005-04-14 14:06:02 UTC
Interesting article in the Guardian magazine yesterday ... Think it might
have had the wrong adea about polyamoury but at least it's a step ...


Ten minutes of this rain will do more good in half an hour
than a fortnight of ordinary rain in a month.

Andrew Marshall
2005-02-02 19:36:16 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:26:00 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?
Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
SomL too...
Post by Chris Croughton
There are a number who are happy to be friends or 'sisters' but not
anything more
Post by Chris Croughton
(don't get me on the rant about "I think of you as a
brother" and "I feel safe with you")...
That concept of a 'safe' friendship as a celibate one makes me
shudder... (No; I *mustn't* start on that one again...).

Andrew Marshall, G8BUR, M0MAA.
Unsolicited advertising matter unwelcome. Offenders may be blacklisted.
Chris Croughton
2005-02-03 16:17:54 UTC
On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 19:36:16 +0000, Andrew Marshall
Post by Andrew Marshall
Post by Chris Croughton
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:26:00 +0000 (UTC), sb
Post by sb
Why no prospect of "any" partner? Personal choice or something else?
Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
SomL too...
Well, if they were interested then they'd be attached, by my age at
Post by Andrew Marshall
Post by Chris Croughton
There are a number who are happy to be friends or 'sisters' but not
anything more
Post by Chris Croughton
(don't get me on the rant about "I think of you as a
brother" and "I feel safe with you")...
That concept of a 'safe' friendship as a celibate one makes me
shudder... (No; I *mustn't* start on that one again...).
It isn't even just 'celibate', at least not just in the sense of "no
sex". It's "I know you wouldn't try anything" where 'anything' is
basically "anything implying a romantic relationship" (so hugs might be
OK but kissing not; holding hands might be OK in some circumstances but
not in a cinema; going out for an evening might be OK but not as a
'date'). It's the problem of being a "nice guy", which girls say they
want but in practice they go for the 'dangerous' ones...

Sorry, I said I wasn't going to rant. It's the imminence of the eve of
the ides of February...

Chris C
Andrew Marshall
2005-02-03 19:03:42 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 19:36:16 +0000, Andrew Marshall
Post by Andrew Marshall
Post by Chris Croughton
Everyone I know is either "attached" or "not interested" (or both).
SomL too...
Well, if they were interested then they'd be attached, by my age at
That's pretty much how I see it as well (I'm nearly 55).
Post by Chris Croughton
Post by Andrew Marshall
That concept of a 'safe' friendship as a celibate one makes me
It isn't even just 'celibate', at least not just in the sense of "no
sex". It's "I know you wouldn't try anything" where 'anything' is
basically "anything implying a romantic relationship" (so hugs might be
OK but kissing not; holding hands might be OK in some circumstances but
not in a cinema; going out for an evening might be OK but not as a
Yes; that's been exactly my experience too. BT, DT, got several drawers
full of T-shirts. If only SBF were (much) more accepted and usual than
it is; to my mind, it'd be the best way to go for a lot of folk, if only
they could grok the idea.
Post by Chris Croughton
It's the problem of being a "nice guy", which girls say they
want but in practice they go for the 'dangerous' ones...
...quite so...
Post by Chris Croughton
Sorry, I said I wasn't going to rant. It's the imminence of the eve of
the ides of February...
Gack - it's V-word time again. Better check my killfiles, megoovs.

Andrew Marshall, G8BUR, M0MAA.
Unsolicited advertising matter unwelcome. Offenders may be blacklisted.
Marc Wilson
2005-02-04 01:20:38 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
Post by Andrew Marshall
That concept of a 'safe' friendship as a celibate one makes me
shudder... (No; I *mustn't* start on that one again...).
It isn't even just 'celibate', at least not just in the sense of "no
Technically, "celibate" originally meant "unmarried" - the usage of
"abstaining from sex" is a 20th Century change. The way we use it now was
previously covered by the adjective "continent". No real point, just
word-geeking. :)

"First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds
language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because
I no verbs." (Peter Ellis on afp)