(too old to reply)
Sarah Beth
2004-02-03 18:22:16 UTC
http://www.guardian.co.uk/women/story/0,3604,1085003,00.html saw this posted
in another newsgroup.

BTW someone wanna tell me what polygamy means? Is it like several gammy
legs? /me stops talking scottish now

Kisses x
Hung Lo
2004-02-04 01:12:10 UTC
Hi Sarah,

Polygamy apparanty means the practise of multiple wives/husbands but is
normally applied to a man having multiple wives.

Polyandry is the opposite ie. one woman several husbands.

All flames etc. to here: http://dictionary.reference.com/ :-)


adj : (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot"


\Pol"ly\, n. A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.

Draw your own conclusions! lol

x G. x
Post by Sarah Beth
http://www.guardian.co.uk/women/story/0,3604,1085003,00.html saw this posted
in another newsgroup.
BTW someone wanna tell me what polygamy means? Is it like several gammy
legs? /me stops talking scottish now
Kisses x
Sarah Beth
2004-02-04 11:07:35 UTC
Post by Hung Lo
Hi Sarah,
Polygamy apparanty means the practise of multiple wives/husbands but is
normally applied to a man having multiple wives.
Polyandry is the opposite ie. one woman several husbands.
Thanks for clearing that up
Post by Hung Lo
All flames etc. to here: http://dictionary.reference.com/ :-)
adj : (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot"
Is gammy british? I always thought it was one of those words Scots use to
confuse people. Or maybe thats the other version of gammy which glaswegians
use (ie gimme a gammy)
Post by Hung Lo
\Pol"ly\, n. A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.
Draw your own conclusions! lol
All women called Polly squak and are greedy?

/me ducks for cover

Kisses x
Chris Croughton
2004-02-04 12:41:49 UTC
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 11:07:35 -0000, Sarah Beth
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
Hi Sarah,
Polygamy apparanty means the practise of multiple wives/husbands but is
normally applied to a man having multiple wives.
Polyandry is the opposite ie. one woman several husbands.
Thanks for clearing that up
Some people use the more correct (but IMO ugly) 'polygyny' to mean
marriage to multiple women, and 'polygamy' to refer to any marriage
involving multiple partners. However, as very few cultures have
practiced polyandry and many have practiced polygyny it's not surprising
that polygamy has become associated with the latter.
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
All flames etc. to here: http://dictionary.reference.com/ :-)
adj : (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot"
Is gammy british? I always thought it was one of those words Scots use to
confuse people. Or maybe thats the other version of gammy which glaswegians
use (ie gimme a gammy)
The Concise OED (9th edition, 1996) gives it as "British colloquial" and
derives it from 'game' ("lame, crippled"), 18th century dialect of
unknown origin. My grandmother had a "gammy leg" from when she was born
in 1904, and always called it that, she was born in east London, not
Scots. I couldn't find the Glaswegian usage, what does it mean?
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
\Pol"ly\, n. A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.
Draw your own conclusions! lol
All women called Polly squak and are greedy?
No, they are gorgeous (a word meaning originally "brightly coloured").

Someone should have warned you that there are a load of pedants on this
newsgroup -- if you like this sort of pedanticism and word play perhaps
you might be interested in the uk.culture.language.english newsgroup.

Chris C
Sarah Beth
2004-02-04 14:11:16 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 11:07:35 -0000, Sarah Beth
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
Hi Sarah,
Polygamy apparanty means the practise of multiple wives/husbands but is
normally applied to a man having multiple wives.
Polyandry is the opposite ie. one woman several husbands.
Thanks for clearing that up
Some people use the more correct (but IMO ugly) 'polygyny' to mean
marriage to multiple women, and 'polygamy' to refer to any marriage
involving multiple partners. However, as very few cultures have
practiced polyandry and many have practiced polygyny it's not surprising
that polygamy has become associated with the latter.
Have i mentioned yet I hate labels? They always confuse me and are almost
always inaccurate
Post by Chris Croughton
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
All flames etc. to here: http://dictionary.reference.com/ :-)
adj : (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot"
Is gammy british? I always thought it was one of those words Scots use to
confuse people. Or maybe thats the other version of gammy which glaswegians
use (ie gimme a gammy)
The Concise OED (9th edition, 1996) gives it as "British colloquial" and
derives it from 'game' ("lame, crippled"), 18th century dialect of
unknown origin. My grandmother had a "gammy leg" from when she was born
in 1904, and always called it that, she was born in east London, not
Scots. I couldn't find the Glaswegian usage, what does it mean?
Erm "gimme a gammy" = give me a sore leg / give me a blowjob (sorry to lower
the tone)
Post by Chris Croughton
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
\Pol"ly\, n. A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.
Draw your own conclusions! lol
All women called Polly squak and are greedy?
No, they are gorgeous (a word meaning originally "brightly coloured").
Ah ok!
Post by Chris Croughton
Someone should have warned you that there are a load of pedants on this
newsgroup -- if you like this sort of pedanticism and word play perhaps
you might be interested in the uk.culture.language.english newsgroup.
As I've said a lot recently what does pedant mean? :P

Sarah x
2004-02-06 17:30:44 UTC
Post by Chris Croughton
Some people use the more correct (but IMO ugly) 'polygyny' to mean
marriage to multiple women, and 'polygamy' to refer to any marriage
involving multiple partners.
Any marriage of one person to multiple partners of the
(so-called) opposite sex. "Cenogamy" (group marriage) would
cover many other forms of marriage involving multiple
partners. Alt.polyamory is now discussing what term to use
when a person has a spouse of each sex.

As for "polygyny" being uglier than "polygamy," "polygyny"
has the soft "g" which I think actually makes it sound more
dulcet than "polygamy" with its hard "g."
2004-02-18 18:11:03 UTC
Post by Norm
As for "polygyny" being uglier than "polygamy," "polygyny"
has the soft "g" which I think actually makes it sound more
dulcet than "polygamy" with its hard "g."
I'm going to have difficulty typing polygynygy.



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Hung Lo
2004-02-04 20:45:04 UTC
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
adj : (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot"
Is gammy british? I always thought it was one of those words Scots use to
confuse people. Or maybe thats the other version of gammy which glaswegians
use (ie gimme a gammy)
According to the Scottish Vernacular Dictionary at:


Oral sex, fellatio.
eg: Dae ye want a gammy wi ma teeth in or oot?

For non-weegies it means: Do you want a blow job with my teeth in or out?

This just goes to prove that people like myself in Glasgow but not of
Glaswegian/Scots origin would do well to avoid opening their mouths to speak
in public! lol
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
\Pol"ly\, n. A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.
Draw your own conclusions! lol
All women called Polly squak and are greedy?
Probably, but not all women who squawk and are greedy are called Polly. If
you are/were married to a woman you can verify this by checking your spouses
first name on the marriage/divorce/death certificate. ;-)
Post by Sarah Beth
/me ducks for cover
Post by Sarah Beth
Kisses x
Hmm, probably not after this! lol

x G. x
Sarah Beth
2004-02-05 18:41:14 UTC
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
adj : (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot"
Is gammy british? I always thought it was one of those words Scots use to
confuse people. Or maybe thats the other version of gammy which
Post by Sarah Beth
use (ie gimme a gammy)
Oral sex, fellatio.
eg: Dae ye want a gammy wi ma teeth in or oot?
For non-weegies it means: Do you want a blow job with my teeth in or out?
In? Except i dont have a penis so best ask Dave? :P
Post by Sarah Beth
This just goes to prove that people like myself in Glasgow but not of
Glaswegian/Scots origin would do well to avoid opening their mouths to speak
in public! lol
Or just not open their mouths infront of glaswegians :P
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Sarah Beth
Post by Hung Lo
\Pol"ly\, n. A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.
Draw your own conclusions! lol
All women called Polly squak and are greedy?
Probably, but not all women who squawk and are greedy are called Polly. If
you are/were married to a woman you can verify this by checking your spouses
first name on the marriage/divorce/death certificate. ;-)
Or just call them by someone elses name and wait for reply

kisses x