(too old to reply)
A.N. Oldie
2008-06-04 13:14:55 UTC
seems I have this place all to my self
2008-06-04 15:07:37 UTC
In article of Wed, 4 Jun 2008, A.N. Oldie writes
Post by A.N. Oldie
seems I have this place all to my self
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET

It's dark in here. Don't tread on the cyber cat !
2008-06-04 20:23:35 UTC
Post by Mervyn
In article of Wed, 4 Jun 2008, A.N. Oldie writes
Post by A.N. Oldie
seems I have this place all to my self
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET
It's dark in here. Don't tread on the cyber cat !
Mervin, are you suggesting the Polys are too busy to be amorous?? .Sad
Martin Read
2008-06-04 22:46:23 UTC
Post by A.N.Oldie
Post by Mervyn
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET
Mervin, are you suggesting the Polys are too busy to be amorous?? .Sad
Or perhaps too busy being amorous to bother posting to newsgroups :)
\_\/_/ turbulence is certainty turbulence is friction between you and me
\ / every time we try to impose order we create chaos
\/ -- Killing Joke, "Mathematics of Chaos"
Mervyn Carter
2008-06-05 08:14:03 UTC
In article of Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Martin Read writes
Post by Martin Read
Post by A.N.Oldie
Post by Mervyn
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET
Mervin, are you suggesting the Polys are too busy to be amorous?? .Sad
Or perhaps too busy being amorous to bother posting to newsgroups :)
Yes, of course. It's hard to type at the same time - and rather
distracting (so I'm told - I've never tried it)
Yours in peace and solidarity

Mervyn Carter
"Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do"
Bertrand Russell
2008-06-07 14:10:12 UTC
Post by Mervyn Carter
In article of Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Martin Read writes
Post by Martin Read
Post by A.N.Oldie
Post by Mervyn
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET
Mervin, are you suggesting the Polys are too busy to be amorous?? .Sad
Or perhaps too busy being amorous to bother posting to newsgroups :)
Yes, of course. It's hard to type at the same time - and rather
distracting (so I'm told - I've never tried it)
Yours in peace and solidarity
Mervyn Carter
"Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do"
Bertrand Russell
This method is not recommended, it plays havoc on your concentration
2008-06-06 10:00:54 UTC
Post by Martin Read
Post by A.N.Oldie
Post by Mervyn
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET
Mervin, are you suggesting the Polys are too busy to be amorous?? .Sad
Or perhaps too busy being amorous to bother posting to newsgroups :)
\_\/_/ turbulence is certainty turbulence is friction between you and me
\ / every time we try to impose order we create chaos
\/ -- Killing Joke, "Mathematics of Chaos"
Martin, I see a slight flaw in your argument. Why was the NG launched, and
why are you wasting your time posting??. On the other hand, I suppose one
must rest from his labours of love. When you get to my age, I'm afraid you
spend more time resting than labouring, so soldier on.
2008-06-23 20:18:45 UTC
Post by Mervyn
In article of Wed, 4 Jun 2008, A.N. Oldie writes
Post by A.N. Oldie
seems I have this place all to my self
Perhaps Polys are too busy living great and creative lives to have time
to post on USENET
Too exhausted!
Hee Hee Hee <SMIRK> Tee Hee Hee.....
