PING: Trolls and other wasters.....
(too old to reply)
2005-09-30 19:52:17 UTC
PING: Trolls and other wasters.....
This group provides too valuable a service to be fucked around with by
anyone. It is quite obvious, bearing in mind the flawed nature of
humanity, that all sorts of malignancies will exercise what passes for
a brain by spewing out paranoid tripe aimed at everybody and anybody.
Bile and controll freakery should be reserved for the appropriate ng
hierarchy which in the UK is the uk.local. part. Don't believe me then
visit uk.local.southwest and see for yourself.

Most folk mis-understand the function of these newsgroups.
Allow me to explain the function of < uk.local.*> news groups?
All of them,have been from the very beginning and will be to the very
end safe play areas for all sorts of rageing nutters, social
malcontents, controll freaks and malevolent beings.

You may feel that they should go elsewhere and leave usenet alone.
But where? The asylums are all closed! What would you have of them?
Standing in their back yards at midnight howling to the full moon and
frightining the shit out of the neighbours into the bargain? Have them
running around shafting masons, suspected werewolves, communists,
socialists, conservatives and women with vaginal warts by the dozen?
OR harmlessly making utter cunts of themselves in a uk.local group?
Lets face it what is one other cunt amongst the many in these groups??
I know what I prefer!! The uk.local hierarchy of newsgroups is a
valuable safety valve which helps to keep society a wee bit more safe.
It was also set-up to take the pressure of the real and serious news
groups such as uk.people.disability. Sadly, people whom you would not
be seen in public with have taken over this group and distorted it to
their own ends.

Before busting your solitary neurone working out a reply please
direct all hoslities (restrict your bile etc) to uk.local. groups such
as <uk.local.essx>. Your destructive inane drivel will recieve a warm
welcome. Give it a try today.

You may disagree. I would be interested to hear your opinion and no
doubt would the rest of the UK hierarchy.

Thanks for your interest.
2005-11-19 06:13:59 UTC
Post by Richard
PING: Trolls and other wasters.....
Did I miss some 'fun'? <rueful g>

Anyway, to put this thread on-topic, I've got a boyfriend! I've got a
boyfriend! <dances>

And for those who don't know (me), I have a Hubby too. :}
My reality check bounced - anon.